Dispensational Importance of Acts


Question: Why does it seem like the book of Acts is all about the three P’s: Peter, Paul and Philip?


The book of Acts is critical to understanding the change in “Dispensation” that happens well towards the end at Chpt. 28:25–28; as also it had been prophesied in Isa. 6:9–10!

Peter spoke strongly in Acts 2 (as an uneducated fisherman), under the Power of the “Holy Spirit”; where he proclaimed the Truth to the people present (mainly Jews, v. 36), re. Joel's prophecy re. the endowment of the “Holy Spirit”, and the True Entity of Jesus the Christ (vs. 16–36)!

Philip the Evangelist appears several times in the Acts of the Apostles (He was one of the Seven chosen to care for the poor of the Christian community in Jerusalem.  As there are two Philips, care is needed to differentiate)!

The second most dramatic event in Acts is Acts 28:25–28, where Paul under the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, enacts the prophecy of Isa. 6:9–10, which renders the Jews “Lo-Ammi” (not My people) for the period from then (approx. AD 62 to the time of Zech.12:10); which started the time of the Gentile, and will end this period when Zech.12–10 ends; Roman11:25–27; and the Jews will be fully reinstated as Ammi (“My people”)!!

This period also saw a change in the way the Holy Spirit’s powers are endowed; i.e. Paul and others could no longer heal on demand (i.e. Trophimus, 2Tim. 4:20); due to the rejection of Christ Jesus, see Joel; which will be reendowed when Jesus returns to Israel!


Dispensations / Administration    (Study)

Dispensational Action    (Study)

Dispensational Truth  (Study)

Dispensational Changes   (Study) 


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